Cyclopital 3D Z10 Extreme Wide-Angle Lens for Panasonic HDC-Z10000 Camcorder PZ10-EWAL/レンズ/Lens/カメラ/camera/アクセサリー C3DPZ10EWAL

Cyclopital 3D Z10 Extreme Wide-Angle Lens for Panasonic HDC-Z10000 Camcorder PZ10-EWAL/レンズ/Lens/カメラ/camera/アクセサリー C3DPZ10EWAL Cyclopital 3D Z10 Extreme Wide-Angle Lens for Panasonic HDC-Z10000 Camcorder PZ10-EWAL/レンズ/Lens/カメラ/camera/アクセサリー C3DPZ10EWAL Cyclopital 3D Z10 Extreme Wide-Angle Lens for Panasonic HDC-Z10000 Camcorder PZ10-EWAL/レンズ/Lens/カメラ/camera/アクセサリー C3DPZ10EWAL

Compatibility:Panasonic HDC-Z10000 CamcorderThe Cyclopital 3D Z10 Extreme Wide-angle Lens is similar to a fish-eye type lens. This lens does not have a lens shade because it would obstruct the extra wide-angle view.

  • 商品価格:141,999円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0.0